Preparing for Homeownership
All applicants to purchase a Community Home must complete a certified Homebuyer course. BCHA recommends Finally Home!
Figure out how much you can afford. What you can afford depends on the following:
Owning a deed-restricted community home is different than a market-rate home, please see out Community Housing Policy to better understand what this means and to learn about the process of buying a community home.
- Household income
- Credit rating
- Current monthly expenses
- Amount of down payment needed
- Interest rate
Owning a deed-restricted community home is different than a market-rate home, please see out Community Housing Policy to better understand what this means and to learn about the process of buying a community home.
Preparing for homeownership requires a clear understanding of your finances. BCHA recommends SAMEE by the Advocates.
Know your rights
Predatory lending: Don’t Be a Victim of Loan fraud! - brochure
Shop for a loan: Look for the best mortgage: shop, compare, negotiate - brochure
Learn about home buying programs: In Idaho
- Fair Housing: Equal Opportunity for All – brochure
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) - RESPA is about closing costs and settlement procedures. RESPA requires that consumers receive disclosures at various times in the transaction and outlaws kickbacks that increase the cost of settlement services. RESPA is a HUD consumer protection statute designed to help homebuyers be better shoppers in the home buying process, and is enforced by HUD. Click here for RESPA information.
- Borrower's rights - ATTENTION BORROWER! - This may be the largest and most important loan you get during your lifetime. You should be aware of certain rights before you enter into any loan agreement.
- You have the RIGHT to shop for the best loan for you and compare the charges of different mortgage brokers and lenders.
- You have the RIGHT to be informed about the total cost of your loan including the interest rate, points and other fees.
- You have the RIGHT to ask for a Good Faith Estimate of all loan and settlement charges before you agree to the loan and pay any fees.
- You have the RIGHT to know what fees are not refundable if you decide to cancel the loan agreement.
- You have the RIGHT to ask your mortgage broker to explain exactly what the mortgage broker will do for you.
- You have the RIGHT to know how much the mortgage broker is getting paid by you and the lender for your loan.
- You have the RIGHT to ask questions about charges and loan terms that you do not understand.
- You have the RIGHT to a credit decision that is not based on your race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or whether any income is from public assistance.
- You have the RIGHT to know the reason if your loan was turned down.
- You have the RIGHT to ask for the HUD settlement cost booklet "Shopping for Your Home Loan"
Predatory lending: Don’t Be a Victim of Loan fraud! - brochure
Shop for a loan: Look for the best mortgage: shop, compare, negotiate - brochure
Learn about home buying programs: In Idaho