What is Bluebird?
Bluebird Village is a mixed-income development in Ketchum with 51 units. Most units are dedicated to people earning 50-70 % of median income.
Bluebird will have:
- 5 studios (approximately 465 sf)
- 26 1 bedrooms (~660 sf)
- 17 2 bedrooms (~760 sf)
- 3 3 bedrooms (~1065 sf)
What amenities will Bluebird have?
The building has storage units, a rooftop deck, community space, an exercise room and bike parking. There are 45 parking spots.
Who is eligible to live at Bluebird?
Households will be required to meet income restrictions and have this income verified to be eligible for Bluebird. In addition, three types of applicants can receive a preference over other applicants:
A. Local Blaine County Residents
At least one non-dependent member of the Applicant Household must meet one of the following criteria:
- Be a Full-Time Employee working in Blaine County (at least 30 hours per week or 1,500 per year); or
- Will be a Full-Time Employee working in Blaine County; or
- Be a Retired Person who was a Full-Time Employee in Blaine County; or
- Be a Disabled Person who currently lives in Blaine County as their Primary Residence; and
No member of the Household owns developed residential real estate or a mobile home.
B. Public Service Employees
At least one non-dependent member of the Applicant Household must be employed by a public entity in Blaine County for a minimum of 1,000 hours worked per calendar year (or a minimum of 20 hours per week). Public entities include, but are not limited to:
- Cities of Ketchum, Sun Valley, Hailey and Bellevue
- Blaine County
- Mountain Rides
- United States Postal Service
- United States Forest Service
- Blaine County School District
- Blaine County Recreation District
C. Applicants with HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (“VASH”) Vouchers or in need of Permanent Supportive Housing (“PSH”), as defined by HUD.
How do I apply?
The Blaine County Housing Authority will be referring potentially eligible candidates for Bluebird to Syringa Property Management, Bluebird’s property manager. You apply by completing a common intake form at
This intake form is not Bluebird specific, so you may receive information about other affordable housing that you are eligible for.
I previously filled out an application with the Blaine County Housing Authority. Will I be considered for Bluebird?
Yes. Everyone with an active BCHA application will be reviewed for eligibility for Bluebird. People will be referred to Bluebird based on length of time on the BCHA waitlist, as well as the three preferences described above.
I previously filled out an application with Syringa Property Management. Will I be considered for Bluebird?
No. You must have filled out an application with Blaine County Housing Authority at
Where am I on the waitlist?
Due to the mix of units, income restrictions and preferences associated with the Bluebird project it is not possible to tell people where they are on the waitlist.
Can I apply even if I don’t live in Blaine County?
You can.
How much will rent be?
Rent will depend on income and unit size.
When will it be ready for move-in?
Anticipated move-in is spring and summer 2024.
Can I bring my pet?
Yes. Bluebird will allow one pet per unit, with some additional restrictions (for example, a pet deposit.)
Does the City own and operate Bluebird?
No. The construction of Bluebird required a mix of funding from many sources, including the City of Ketchum, but Ketchum does not own or operate Bluebird.
Full Time Employee - A person who is self-employed or employed by one or more Blaine County employers which serve(s) Blaine County residents and physically working in Blaine County for a minimum of 1,500 hours worked per calendar year (or a minimum of 30 hours per week). Exceptions include:
- Education providers; or
- Breaks in employment due to temporary physical or mental disability, acting as primary caretaker of ill or disabled relative, sole guardian or single parent of child under 4 years of age, military service, extended vacation not to exceed six months every six years, or full-time education or training.
Retired Person - A person who
1. Was a Full-Time Employee in Blaine County, Idaho, for not less than ten (10) out of the fifteen (15) years prior to the date of qualification;
2. lived continuously in Blaine County following their retirement;
3. was a Full-Time Employee in Blaine County for an entity that served Blaine County immediately prior to their retirement; and
4. Is 65 years of age or older.
Disabled Person/Dependent - A person who meets the definition of "individual with a disability" contained in 29 U.S.C. Section 706(8), and/or as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
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